Writing could give you a better heart

Sick of popping pills to lower your Cholesterol? Try the latest non-invasive, non pill popping technqiue recently discovered that could lower your cholesterol.

Research from Arizona State University has shown that writing could lower your cholesterol and give you a healthier heart. Yes, by simply WRITING. It seems that if you write affectionately about loved ones for 20 minutes, 3 times a week you could receive this added bonus of a reduced cholesterol level. We’d better get to it I think. And just to give you a few ideas of how you can fit it in in your busy day – try it while sitting on the bus going to work, or how about in the cab, or even while performing in the loo! Hey, let’s not waste our time here! You might get some interested looks from people peering over your shoulder to read your ruminations, hopefully not while you’re in the loo, but you never know your luck in a big city.

With the unprecedented levels of Internet use, I wonder if this means that writing on the Internet is the same as the old fashioned way of ‘writing’. You remember – using a pen and paper!

If you’re like the millions of other raised cholesterol, stressed out individuals, its got to be worth a try. Whatever way you end up achieving the desired outcome of 3 lots of writing a week, to me it sure beats a workout!

7 responses to “Writing could give you a better heart

  1. Pingback:   Writing could give you a better heart by medTRIALS.info

  2. Pingback: Cholesterol News Aggregator » Writing could give you a better heart

  3. Very interesting. My own blog, http://www.writingpracticeprescription.org is dedicated to using writing as a therapeutic tool. Your blog post takes writing as a therapeutic tool from an intervention to a prevention strategy. Would you please let me know where you found this study so I can read the original research article? If you don’t have the original citation, just let me know where you heard about this and I can pursue it from there. (DrTspeaks@gmail.com)

    Nice blog. Thanks.

  4. shisymbolinternational

    Hello Ellen
    thanks for your comments and if you click or copy this link http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/65885.php you will go to a source for the University of Arizona’s Research by Kory Floyd, Associate Profesor of Human Communication.
    Wouldn’t it be great if all GPs told their high cholesterol patients to try the writing treatment for a period of time and then retest them? Bet you the pharmaceutical companies would be put out!

  5. That is interesting. Most people nowadays are just using the keyboard for instance right now and are not writing as much as they do before. No wonder people in the olden days do not have such a high onset of cardiovascular diseases as compared to what we have now.

  6. Pingback: pill identifier

  7. shisymbolinternational

    Was really fascinated to see there is someone out there who can help us identify pills we can’t recall what they are for or how they should be used etc. Great to see you and great you found us interesting too! Thanks

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